Intimate laser treatment of Zsóka at Balogh Illés M.D.

Pregnancy, childbirth, changing age, hormonal changes and various diseases and ageing all affect the intimate areas: the vaginal wall becomes loose, the tissue loses elasticity, its optimal structure changes, the vaginal walls become stretched, the labia minora and the vaginal wall become flaccid, discolouration occurs, incontinence develops and vaginal dryness caused by hormonal changes also occurs. All this affects our sense of comfort, our relationship and our sex life. Intimate laser treatment is the state-of-the-art non-surgical treatment for the functional and aesthetic rejuvenation of the female vaginal area, rejuvenating the intimate area, helping to rebuild the tissue inside the vagina, making the intimate area more elastic and youthful: rejuvenating the labia minora and labia majora, tightening and tightening the vagina, eliminating vaginal dryness and urinary dysfunction, improving your sex life.